Hey there! My name is Kyle Raymund, and I'm the creator of the Mystic Cement/Time Sphere ARG.
When I started this game a year ago, it was cathartic. My original post, which is still up on Reddit, was mostly true. I did play a game called Polybius in 1985, and I am from the Seattle area. Whether it bears any relation to its mythical counterpart I can't say, however I feel that this game is important. Hopefully it helped shed some light on my experiences and my life story. This game has mostly been about telling a great story, one with themes of brainwashing, cult mentality, nostalgia, and temporal paradoxes. Sorry, craig, for turning you into a villain. You'll get me back someday.
I hope you enjoyed playing my ARG as much as I enjoyed putting it together. It was great to put all these pieces together, and to project myself onto the page from a wide range of different perspectives and avenues. It's been a great way to spend the last year, and to know that my work has been enjoyed is really gratifying. The ARG community is great and I might make a similar game in the future. This is my first ARG, I'm just a tech programmer and most of my experience comes from my decades in the hacking and software communities. I'm not much for telling stories, but I do feel that my 1985 encounter with Polybius in a rundown Seattle arcade is a story that's definitely worth telling. I never imagined that it would grow to the magnitude that it did- that one Reddit post stretched from a lonely shepherd on an alien world to the vanishing town of Charon, Kansas, and back again.
With all that out of the way, there's still one more puzzle for you to solve. If you think you know the answer to this puzzle, send it to rogersoncaruthers@gmail.com along with a mailing address and you'll receive a fun surprise package full of goodies as a reward for a game well played. It's been a great year and I'm happy to have spent it with you. Peace out.